Re: virus: Extrocranial Memes

Wade T.Smith (
Tue, 4 Aug 98 08:01:31 -0400

>/Xxxxx/ = italic


Well, it _still_ looks like shit.

I keep italics for foreign language words and quotes, if I use them at
all- never liked the appearance of 'em. Then again, using ASCII text to
transmit intention through wordplay and usage is damn near impossible.

Poetry is sometimes easier.

Back to memes, while I'm here-

I'm trying not to overestimate memes. Cultural quanta, yes, but also
behavioural quanta. The meme is not what is being transmitted, but what
begins the action (behind transmittal, or just performance). A series of
behaviors is also culture, to begin the consilience....

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god."
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