Re: virus: Newsweek - Science finds God

sodom (
Mon, 03 Aug 1998 11:04:28 -0400

Hakeeb A. Nandalal wrote:

> Tim Rhodes wrote:
> > I think one subtle point we seem to be missing here is the fact that most of
> > these scientists have held the <God> meme since childhood. (Implanted with
> > very little or no coercion, Eric. How many two year olds have pre-existing
> > ideas about God which must be overcome to get them to go to sunday school?
> > The coercion would not be aplicable until the teen years when they naturally
> > begin to question all of their parents most friercly held memes, religious
> > or not.)
> I'm very pissed that Einstein wasn't an atheist. I guess that God was
> playing dice when He put him in the theist camp.

I read this somewhere, hope I get the quote right but:"Who is Einstein to tell God
he can't play dice"

Neils Bohr??

> > As memetists our interest should be with the facinating way in which this
> > interial balancing act is carried out--realizing that it is something we all
> > do with our pre-existing memes. (And recognizing that having the <Atheist>
> > or any other meme spoon fed from your parents likewise effects ones future
> > processing of new memes for a lifetime.)
> Is atheism a meme or is it IMHO a refusal to accept a theist meme?
> Is it fair to say that not believing in God is an ideology? I would
> hate to think that I have to come up with a counter-meme every time
> some crackpot dreams up a new god.
> -----------------------------
> Hakeeb A. Nandalal
> -----------------------------

I think that Atheism, for many of us, is a result of the "rational" meme. The
basic, "without good evidence, i wont believe it". I would prefr that I was wrong,
and there there is a Universe filled with magic and At least, for me it is. I
often wonder about how I will bring up up with my children. I think I will attempt
to give them the rational meme, and the anti-fear meme, and let the rest fall out.

Bill Roh