virus: Go for it!

Nathaniel Hall (natehall@WORLDNET.ATT.NET)
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 19:22:23 -0600

sodom wrote:

> On a different note: What's everyone think about the Japanese trying to
> clone a Woolly Mammoth?? Now that is cool if you ask me - but my
> friends say that that is tampering - I say, if it can be done, we should
> do it!

> Also - the Sun will not engulf the Earth when it expands, that is an old
> concept. I believe that now we think that the Sun will lose a lot of
> mass during its final years, and that the Earth will move a bit further
> out in its orbit, just far enough away to become a 1000 degree cinder
> ball floating in space.
> Sodom

