Re: virus: Re: rhubarb

Eric Boyd (
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:18:49 -0400


Wade wrote:
>rhu-barb n.
>1. Any of several plants of the genus Rheum, especially >
>R. rhubarbarum, having long, green or reddish acidic leafstalks
>that are edible when sweetened and cooked. Also called pie plant.
>2. The dried, bitter-tasting rhizome and roots of Rheum palmatum or
>R. officinale of eastern Asia, used as a laxative.
>3. Informal. A quarrel, fight, or heated discussion.

I have another definition -- from my sister, who uses it all the time. She
calls the rough grass along the edge of dirt roads "rhubarb".
"Don't drive in the rhubarb!"

I suspect this is a Meaford thing... small town, you know.