RE: virus: Locker Room Talk

Wade T.Smith (
Thu, 25 Jun 98 09:17:20 -0400

>Taking that a bit further lets
>look at the classic example of double think: Euclidean vs. Non-Euclidean

No. The classic example of doublethink is War is Peace/Love is
Hate/Slavery is Freedom.

Orwell was pretty clear that doublethink meant not only holding, but
fully rationalizing that the _opposite_ was indeed the reality.
Euclid/non-Euclid is, as you day, two different sets of things applied to
unique situations. Non-Euclidian works, so does Euclidian, depending on
situation. Doublethink is an emotional formation placed on language and
behavior. It is derived from basic interrogation techniques, and is not a
map of reality in any respect.

Making lists is a sublime form of doublethink....Ramps are Steps.... But
so is science, I suppose, if you dig hard enough.... Religion is just
plain wrong even though its basic tenet is that it is right.

Wade T. Smith