Take a dozen nature walks with a magnifying glass and stop analyzing those assholes
around you. Talk to someone in person about your feelings.
Tom Sapp wrote:
> Hello, I know I have never written before but I have been on the mailing list since sometime last year, can't remember when. I finally decided I would write a
> Is life really worth everything that it takes to live it?
> In case you are all wondering, my answer is "not really." I have put together a list of reasons I feel this way.
> 1.) Most people base their judgements of other on what that person looks like. Society has become so preoccupied with vanity that it is rediculous to even try
> 2.) Most people are out to get as many physical possesions as they can no matter who they have to push down or step on in order to get them. This makes it tou
> 3.) Human nature is self-destructive so even if we could get everyone to quit being so self-centered and live life happily for a little while, sooner or later
> 4.) Not to many people can be trusted any more, even closest of friends will turn once given the opportunity or if they are bribed enough. (Nope, haven't had
> 5.) Even when you try and stay out of societies way and just struggle on with your life, things always tend to turn up that make you end up worse off than you
> Well, that is all I have to say, or atleast all I can think of to say. I hope you all have a wonderful day and don't let this email get you down or depressed
> ---
> Thanx,
> Tom Sapp
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