Ah, well, I merely do this as it is _supposed_ to be done- to indicate
that the mistakes are not _my_ mistakes in the quoted passage- no
judgment really. It is a simple mechanism to show that there were
mistakes, and that I am actually _not_ correcting them, but presenting
the original in its presented form. I do not wish there to be any doubt
that I did not originate the quote, and also to show I did not make a
transpositional error.
Simple typesetting etiquette.
I also, perhaps confoundingly, do not show the origin of the quote,
first, because my mailer don't do that, and second, because in some
egalitarian way, I want all statements to be everybody's.
Wade T. Smith
morbius@channel1.com | "There ain't nothin' you
wade_smith@harvard.edu | shouldn't do to a god."
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