Re: virus: 15 desires behind all human behavior
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 19:22:46 EDT

i deny that there are 15 desires behind human behavior. there is one *thing*
that is behing human behavior, we are protecting ourselves from dying. to
make it less direct ill add that fears invoke a thought in our mind that we
will die therefore our behavior is a response to our fears. expirience and
memetic transfering of expirience also add to the fear of death such as not
touching fire, not eating sharp objects mommy might have told you not to or
you learned it from your own expirience.

the question is also what is death. is death dying in the common sense of the
word or is it death as in i will bear no children therefore my genes will not
live on, or is it death in the sense that the world is dying. we all want to
protect ourselves from dying (in its common sense), examples of people whose
behavior is to prevent the world from dying are: environmentalists, many
groups and churches (the church of euthansia pops to mind quickly).

now i could relate all the desires he mentioned as the opposite of a fear but
i cant remember what all the desires were. ill make some examples, the need
for companionship/community is due to the fear of being alone. being alone
and dying is a predator/prey instict where if you were not part of a tribe or
a pack, you were hunted.

~the great tinkerer