Re: virus: Church of Satan?
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:59:27 EDT

In a message dated 98-06-15 21:40:57 EDT, Richard Brodie writes:

<< Jake wrote:

<< ToC is rarely a good idea. Most of the time offering the
other cheek serves only to invigorate and bolster more predatory strategies.
There are occasional situations where ToC may be good, but they are
exceptional and do not justify making ToC the rule. >>

But it's a really good idea to spread the "turn the other cheek" meme among
the people you have to live with!

William James said the ideal world would be one in which everyone ELSE was a
Christian. >>

I am not so sure about that. If there are too many ToC strategies around,
suddenly more predatory strategies become viable. It could be a case where
"too nice" strategies pave the way for "too nasty" or predatory strategies. I
guess it would be good if you prefered a nasty strategy yourself, but too many
of those can ruin the game for everyone. I think excess ToC strategies can
destabilize the evironment.
