Re: virus: Virus: Opinions?

John W. Rea (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 18:49:18 -0500

>Another question, if you don't mind:
>>We believe that we should have as many children as we can support (notice
>>the keyword 'SUPPORT') thereby giving bodies to as many spirit children
>>as possible. The problems with overpopulation are largely because of
>>third world countries and families there having many many more children
>>than they can 'support'...i.e. food, clothing, shelter, etc.
>If science showed that the main problems with overpopulation were
>envirnmental, not economic, what would your reaction be?

I would have to say that science is a bunch of hogwash then!
Seriously, I believe that the problem of overpopulation CAN BE environmental
IF the economic barriers are not strictly obeyed. In other words, if people
continue to have children who can't support them then the environment
would suffer.