Re: virus: 'Contagion' Hits New York Times, Thousands Affected

Dan Plante (
Sat, 30 May 1998 17:39:53 -0700

At 12:29 PM 5/30/98 EDT, Kent Carlindson wrote:
>I didn't know they only give free access in the US. Probably so people can't
>avoid US copyrights by posting outside the US. I'd have posted the whole
>article before if it weren't for that copyright stuff. Maybe you can still
>find a copy of the paper somewhere, though.

I can't. My body has atrophied to the point where I'm just a heaving,
pulsing pile of neurons, with eyes and a massively muscled mouse
arm sticking out of it. It's the 'Net or nothing, I'm afraid.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.
