Re: virus: May 5, 2000

Bob Hartwig (
Sat, 30 May 1998 16:18:27 -0500

At 11:05 PM 5/28/98 +0100, you wrote:
>I have actually done some research into this. In may 5th 2000 all the
>planets in the solor system will be in a line. The gravitational pull
>of all the planets could be big enough to make the earth tip on it's
>side causing the poles to move to the equator. This would cause massive
>earthquakes, volcano erruptions and floods due to the melting of the
>polor ice.

It looks like you've been doing your research in the wrong places. See:

"the planets in our solar system -- aligned or not -- cannot cause a shift
in the movement of the Earth which will lead to mass destruction"

"the other planets in our solar system don't matter at all compared to the

"All the other planets in our solar system added together do not have as
large a gravitational effect on the Earth as the Moon does."