Re: Re: virus: May 5, 2000 - Bible Code?

Dan Plante (
Fri, 29 May 1998 23:05:41 -0700

At 05:03 PM 5/29/98 EDT, Sendgirl wrote:
>In a message dated 5/29/98 10:23:44 AM, you wrote:
><<This is a hypertext document, with every word, phrase, or
>sentence linked to a Scripture or a document for proof or
>Scripture = proof

Good one. Every time I see something like this on a list, my first
thought is "Man, oh man, where would I even /start/ with this?
My second thought is usually "Why should I invest the time and effort?
The dogma is just too entrenched here.". I keep forgetting there's
an alternative. Short, sweet and to the point. Attatching it to a
catchy phrase that's already in the popular lexicon also enhances

Things that make you go "Hmmmm...."
