Re: virus: millennial myopia

Bill Roh (
Fri, 29 May 1998 21:47:08 -0400

I disagree completely, there will be NO PARTIES - Dammit.


Wade T. Smith wrote:

> We can all sit calmly knowing, can't we? that December 31, 1999, will
> pass, and that January 1, 2000, will come, and there will be parties, and
> gatherings, and maybe even some suicides, homicides, children conceived,
> drunk drivers on the roads, drunks in your back yard, and maybe even some
> fireworks over your town.
> We can all smugly sit and say, tsk, tsk, we'll just have to do this
> again, next year, when it will be _correct_ to do all this....
> And we will all laugh about anyone saying much of anything different.
> Then again, these happenstances of a cultural numbering system don't
> happen every day....
> Stephen Jay Gould has a laissez-faire attitude about the whole thing.
> Sounds like a plan....
> *****************
> Wade T. Smith
> | "There ain't nothin' you
> | shouldn't do to a god."
> |
> ******* *******