Re: virus: His Will Be Done

Kristy (
Wed, 13 May 1998 15:07:19 -0500

Okay, you think that is fruity? *shudder* 'Calvinists' scare the living
daylights out of me. This was my first encounter with them on the net:

After visiting this web site, you can't help but ask, "Do they grow
<italic>tulips</italic> on Neptune???"


(who's unsubscribing and going back to live on the set of Little House on
the Praire for a couple solemn months)


Thus Spake Prof. Tim:

>Okay, normally I'm all for "faith" and ya'all well oughta know by now

>I've got a soft spot in my heart for loonies, but these people go beyond

>pale. The worst part is, every time I do a search there are more and

>articles like this out there. Be afraid.


>Prof. Tim's pick-o-the-minute:




<color><param>0000,0000,8080</param><bigger>"Scouts, under attack around
the nation by atheists and homosexuals who want to force their viewpoints
and acceptance of their lifestyle upon impressionable young boys, won a
significant victory in California. But more importantly, freedom
won--freedom of association that is a fundamental right of all Americans,
given to them by God and protected by the Constitution."


<underline><color><param>ffff,0000,0000</param>--Christian Coalition, on
boy scouts

</color></underline>(thanks Bill!)