Re: virus: Silence

Eric Boyd (
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 19:23:57 -0400


Dan Plante <> wrote:
> Only in the sense that an atom is different than a molecule.
> Knowledge can exist without wisdom, but wisdom cannot exist
> without knowledge. This simply highlights the hierarchical
> dependance inherent in any emergent system.

Right you are. I was thinking, however, that this "silent" wisdom that we
are talking about might actually not *be* knowledge. It's more like
intuition... or "gut feelings". I wonder if that would be a good way to
draw the line between one type of wisdom and the other... spoken wisdom is
knowledge which has emerged from it's "fact" shell and moved to a higher
plane, whereas silent wisdom is that which comes only from long experience
-- not that you know something, but rather that you sense it... almost an
ESP kind of thing.

(our bodies sense a heck of a lot more than we are consciously aware of, so
it doesn't surpise me that it usually pays off to listen to what you feel)