Re: virus: urban myths?

Corey Lindsly (
Sun, 26 Apr 1998 15:21:36 -0700 (PDT)

> Is it so impossible to imagine that cyberspace will be the greatest
> country on earth?? Well first it may not be a country but it certainly
> is a community, probably stronger and bigger than any country on earth
> already. Maybe in the future cyberspace will be the greatest community
> on earth, it's already the greatest place on earth


the future 'cyberspace' is going to be nothing more
than another channel on your cable television, a vehicle
by which corporate profit-machines, media propagandists
and government spin-doctors deliver a steady stream of
insipid, useless, and historically-disconnected information
to a docile and ignorant public, who stare slack-jawed
at the little screen over their Rice Crispies.

in short, it's going to be exactly the same as every
other 1-to-many communication medium.
