Re: virus: Re: engagements

Tim Rhodes (
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:07:40 -0700

Sodom writes:

>For the purpose of argument, Fallawake, suppose I was gay. In this society
>would be seriously oppressed - I could be fired for being gay, i cant marry
>person I love, I cant file for a joint tax return, I cant get health
>for my mate etc... Since it is Christianity and the religious right that
>for my oppression, i can say that they are harming me. Voting along
>beliefs has more negatives than positives any day and is harming me. So if
I try
>to fight religion, because of its effects, i am going to be fighting those
>claim not to hurt anyone with their beliefs when just the opposite is true.

Fighting prejudice with prejudice seems like a losing proposition. Both
your attitudes and the Christian Right's are based on inaccurate
generalizations. Just because you have a comfortable rationalization for
your prejudice, makes it none the less ugly--perhaps it even makes it

-Prof. Tim