Re: virus: Exploits are great deeds to the doer....

Wade T.Smith (
Sun, 19 Apr 98 14:05:00 -0400

>I would contend that spiritual rapture and love
>>are kissing cousins, and I do not deny either, and further that the
>>of both of these are the shamans, aka priests/clergy/therapists/self-help
>>gurus/etc... who are not lovers, but indeed are haters-
>A substantial minority, at least, of the priests/clergy
>I've met, and a clear majority of the therapists, have
>been lovers. Haven't met any self-help gurus. Is it
>sheer experience that leads you to make such
>generalisations, Wade, or is there an element of
>prejudice in there as well?

Unfortunately, experience. However, far from all are included here, only
the ones doing the exploiting- the generalization based upon experience
is that the actual exploiters belong to these areas more than to any
other. I've yet to meet a carpenter, for instance, who will try to
realign my chakra or try to sell me crystals blessed by a wiccan
priestess. He will try to fix the dry-rot on my porch though....

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god." |
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