Re: virus: Origin of religion theory

Sodom (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 13:37:11 -0400

About near death experiences. We have recently discovered that the barin
makes and stores DMT, which is a super powerful hallucinogen. It has been
suggested that it floods the brain under extreme shock. If it does, then
people would definately see all sorts of things, as death has strong
psychological implication for many people, they tend to hallucinate what they
think exists. As someone who has use DMT as a psychoactive, I can understand
why people could beliee they saw something otherworldly.


Wade T.Smith wrote:

> >humans tend to see faces in natural formations
> It is a standard explanation for the appearance of ghosts as well, and
> well-established in the skeptic's repertoire. I have also seen it as an
> explanation for some of the phenomena associated with
> near-death-experiences. The innateness of this is well-established by
> studies of infants, with positive results coming even before the eyes can
> fully focus.
> *****************
> Wade T. Smith
> | "There ain't nothin' you
> | shouldn't do to a god."
> |
> ******* *******