virus: Re: Magic or "Myth"

Brett Lane Robertson (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 01:20:16 -0500

At 09:24 PM 2/10/98 GMT, you wrote:
>er, come again Bret.
>Could you say all that in language fit for positivists and other bottom

I didn't save a copy...but if I get a response with it pasted at the bottom,
I will try to translate.


...I found a copy and here is the translation:

Common sense tells us that there is not a negative "thing" (no negative
desk, no negative phone, etc.). There are similarly, no *negatives* in an
objective consciousness (or a consciousness which can be said to
exist)--including negative words like "evil", "hate", "nothing"...anger,
violence, opposition--all things work together in a positive, objective
sense to produce order.

But "hate"-- for example-- can come into conscious existence through a
paradoxical phenomenon; that is, I can propose hate and then must negate
it. The statement "hate hates itself" shows how one instance of hate cannot
exist in a positivistic universe, but two examples can. Our language tells
us this in the way we use "double negatives" to denote a positive.

Phenomenology says that a thing comes into *objective* existence in this
manner (it is called determinant negation...I negate my existence and gain
self-consciousness as I realize who I am through this negation negating
itself in the positive awareness of an external, objective
phenomenon...makes as little sense to me as using double negatives to denote
a positive, but that's how it is said).

So, looking at phenomenon from an objective stance one also imagines that
"they" (self objectified) may be positive or negative (a form of projecting
this self and not-self into a "reality" external to self). Attributing
objects with human characteristics--self and self negated--and placing them
into a dualistic realm creates "myth" (not just the myth one reads in books,
but a characteristic of consciousness which understands things
mythologically..."I" am a projection, that one is good, the other is bad,
they compete, the one wins...). This relates back to the idea that a
negative cannot exist *objectively* but exists as a double negation in a
realm where "self" is similarly negated, "myth".

I think this process of denial (of self), transference and counter
transference (cross transference, or double negation), externalization
(objectification), and myth might allow for resolution of that which is
denied in self to occur in a realm of consciousness which is removed from
reality. It might also allow for "creativity" (which might be defined "A
creation and destruction by chance-- minus self-accountability-- which
reasserts itself as a *thing* created outside the realm of that which
already exists...of the one creating"). This definition of creativity
assumes that "chance" is without consistent logic, consistent logic being
the case if self were a continual development; that is, created things
would similarly be "accountable" or logically caused to be--as they are not
in myth, nor in the usual sense of "creativity"). But this fantasy
bonding to omnipotent beings and the magical thinking by which these beings
are manipulated still do not seem entirely desirable, imho.

On the other hand, since I can see how this mythological realm might
develop and that it could serve some purpose, I allow that it exists as a
double negative might. Then, to resolve the pluralistic possibilities
which arise for "truth"--as this realm is not accountable to truth (if truth
is consistent logic or self-evidence)--I went the long way around to say:

Even if all possibilities exist, "self" must again affirm itself to impose
an order which is accountable. This manifestation of self is more simply a
re-asserting of the original self as that which is accountable. Though, in
this case, it has taken on the characteristics of the "winning" object from
the mythological realm...the positive (in line with a developing self, and
an objective reality). In this case, the self cannot name itself as
negative nor can it name reality with negative terms (without reverting back
to fantasy bonding and magical thinking...wishing, as it were, that only the
positive will survive, as it must to be accountable to self).

So, in the final analysis, even if the universe is subjective and is named
by the self in dominion...the universe can not be named "self-negated".

...I hope this helps, it is really a lot of info in a little package.

Brett Lane Robertson
MindRec ICQ "chat" UIN 6630756
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom
door you're on.