RE: virus: And what is a meme that we sh

infekshun (
Mon, 9 Feb 1998 05:14:11 -0800

Nick Knowles wrote:
>>But to me, there are no memes outside the mind, nor need there be. And
>>there is no mind outside the body, nor need there be.
>Consider a 'dead language' like say the Cretan Minoan B, which has been
>entirely forgotten, but is subsequently deciphered, centruries later. Would
>not a poem, advertising jingle, or any other accepted meme form written in
>the dead language, have existed dormant outside of any mind?

Definitely. Memes may lie dormant for an indefinite peroid of
time waiting reintroduction into a host as long as the dormant meme
exists within an informational matrix. This precludes the necessity of
biological life or human mind or time limit in regards to frequency of
replication. Our memes may well supercede the biological
realm entirely as in the case of machine intelligences coopting
and propigating both dormant or virulent human memes.

a meme by any other name,


"May your memes be fruitful and multiply"
The Necromemecon