Re: virus: Two levels?

Tim Rhodes (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 12:51:54 -0800

Eric Boyd wrote about the two-tiered CoV idea:

> I disagree -- this sounds so bad, I'm surprised you can even think it
> might be a good idea.
> It is precisely the multiple levels of Scientology that make it so evil--
> they suck you in with simple, common sense stuff, and then at the higher
> levels reveal the "less palatable" ideas.

Thank God ;-) for a sane one among you!

When I set out the idea a month or so back I was amazed that no one
disagreed. "Is it this easy to start a cult?!?" I thought. Are people
really so willing to create a consciously elitest orginization? (As long as
they get to be part of the elite, that is.)

At least there is one of you that is willing to think of the aims rather
than the just the means. Thank you Eric. And you are right:

> I think virion should be an open system -- everything we promote should
> open to the public, and there are no "real" secrets. (it is possible
> we could *use* the idea of secrets as a memetic ploy to attract attention
> -- having gotten members this way, we then inform them there is no
> and thus show how effective a hook "secret" is!)

Your wisdom will be noted when we select members for the Inner Counsel.

-Prof. Tim