I feel rather free in discounting it, though, especially as no evidence
of its workings remain behind, regardless of how many smokes flared
arising. I contend what little does remain is merely a measure of
>I claim that the symbol has necessary properties similar to those properties
>which are necessary to objects
This of course was not your initial statement. Is this not a definition
of the properties of symbols all by itself? I still wander and turn unlit
corners around here, whether I ever find a floor or not.
My thrust is to distill the substance from the meanderings of
consciousness- I see a need therefore to abandon such cultural rituals as
magick or divination. Their attempted goals are better reached (indeed,
only reached) through science. A judgment based on product, if you will,
based on a continuity with the workings of the universe, also if you will.
I really don't know the state of the cat until I open the box. Magick
takes bets.
Wade T. Smith
morbius@channel1.com | "There ain't nothin' you
wade_smith@harvard.edu | shouldn't do to a god."
morbius@cyberwarped.com |
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