Re: virus: Xian love from a living God

David Leeper (
Mon, 27 Aug 1956 21:06:17 +0000

Doug Levy, Eagles Nest Campus Ministry:

Since we're all having such fun trashing poor Mr. Levy's
posting, let me pile on (again):

> 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce
> the odds change to 1 in 10 if you get married in a church

This is because only 2 in 10 get married in church.

> they go to 1 in 100 if you attend church regularly

This is because only 2 in 100 attend church regularly.

> they go to 1 in 1000 if you follow Biblical principles in your marriage

This is because only 2 in 1000 follow Biblical principles in their
Who says religion can't be fun.... :-)

David Leeper
Homo Deus  
1 + 1 != 2