Re: virus: Science and Religion
Wed, 2 Oct 1996 00:47:00 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, Wade T. Smith wrote:


> >Indeed, it has been experimentally demonstrated that changing the
> >A-vector field, without measurably changing the electomagnetic field, is
> >sufficient to cause an acceleration in an (ensemble of) electron(s). In
> >other words, the hypothesis that the electromagnetic field is
> >responsible for electromagnetic acceleration gives contrary predictions
> >to experiment, while the A-vector field hypothesis does NOT.
> >
> >The catch?
> > Electomagnetic field: Has been observed and measured.
> > A-vector field: never observed nor measured.
> >
> >I.e.: What you can't see [the A-vector field] is more real than what you
> >can see [the electromagnetic field]. (I'm assuming current
> >instrumentation, of course!)
> >
> >Wade, do you have a reaction/response to this?
> Well, the physics is beyond me, but if you can say 'it has been
> experimentally demonstrated', in what way is this _not_ 'never observed nor
> measured'? And how can something be changed that ain't there?
> The main focus here, I think, is that science allows changing scopes of
> investigation, and makes no attempt to wrap the universe up into any handy
> package. The fact its various packages don't seem to fit inside each other
> is only a matter of 'yet'.

The problem is that the A-vector field has no direct measurements with
current technology. It CAN be computed, but there is no empirical
feedback on whether the computations are correct.

The nearest [failure] analogy is various kinds of subatomic particle test
analyses. It is necessary to reconstruct the particles from very minimal
data. However, the reconstruction is subject to a number of empirical
constraints: we need conservation of mass-energy, conservation of
momentum, the CPT symmetry [all of these are similar]: and the fool
tracks must go where they were observed! We currently lack the
technology to measure the A-vector field. We do have the technology to
measure the electromagnetic field.

In essence, the above experiments were designed to effectively shield the
electrons from the electromagnetic field, reducing the experiment to the
control case in this respect [this can be measured] while maintaining a
distinct A-vector field from the control [this CANNOT be measured, only
computed!] It was found that the electrons were still
accelerated, in spite of no measurable differences in the electromagnetic
field; and furthermore, these accelerations were within measurement
tolerance of those predicted under the A-vector field model.

/ Kenneth Boyd