Re: virus: RE: Future of Man

John A (
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 18:25:08 -0600

James T. Martin wrote:
> >John A wrote:
> >When I speak of "god" I am speaking of what is eternal; the immuttable
> >postulate upon which the physical world is based, if such a postulate
> >exists. The term "god" brings to mind an image of an omnipresent,
> >anthropomorphic entity, but that image is false. It seems logical to me
> >that "god" is a force; not a man on a cloud with a flowing white beard
> >that manipulates humans in some ethereal game of chess. I suppose this
> >belief would categorize me as an atheist, but I don't use the term
> >because it has become such a loaded word. I would like to know how some
> >fellow C of V members define what it means to be an "atheist".
> >
> Your beliefs could be termed "deist" - similar to many of our
founding fathers
> (US). You realize that the anthropomorphic god imagined by most is
> ridiculous but can't rid your mind of some spiritual entity at work.

I do not believe that god is a spritual entity. When I use the term
"god", I mean it in the most abstract way. I believe that humans can
understand the workings of god just as we understand chemical processes
and laws of physics.(Which I ultimately would describe as the "god" of
the universe) What I acknowledge as "god" is completely different than
that of any spiritual or religious viewpoint that I am aware of. God is
the ultimate statement or Theory of Everything that encompasses all
physical goings on. If no such theory is possible, (what do you think?)
then no god exists, at least by my definition.

John Aten
"Truth demands to be declared even if it is ugly 
 and unethical" -F. Nietzsche

"Of each thing ask, what is it? What is its nature? What is it of itself" -Marcus Aurelius