Re: virus: cooler headsExplanation - Anti Global Warming Petition Project

psypher (
Sat, 22 May 1999 15:46:28 -0400 (EDT)

...while acknowledging that this is not the proper forum for discussion environmental issues, it is [I think} the proper forum for discussing the construction of authority and the weight that social structures give to the perceived voice of authority in that structure. ...I didn't go to all the websites you posted james - I didn't have time and I'm capable of doing the research on my own and making up my own mind. I did notice though that one was sponsored by nasa and at least one other was sponsored by corporate interests. Neither the United States government or corporate business institutions in general have a particularly good record for acknowledging unpleasant realities which might interfere with their pursuit of profit and/or control. should also be considered that the tobacco industry for many years presented all kinds of data - collected, analysed and interpreted *by scientists* which purported to demonstrate that smoking is not, in fact, harmful to humyn health. Something that can be determined empirically by associating for any length of time with smokers.

...just because 'scientists' propose something is no reason to accept it at face value. Why are they presenting their findings that way? Who sponsored the research? Who is sponsoring the forum in which the research is presented? Who stands to gain by the presentation of those findings in that way? To what extend are conflicting findings presented? Is the entire field of opposition disregarded or is it taken into account with the aim of reaching a synthesis of knowledge? Are conclusions presented as fact or hypothesis?

...these are all questions that must be taken into account. Just bvecause a lot of people with letters after their name and tenure think something is a good idea or a foregone conclusion is no reason to accept it as such.


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