Re: virus: Maxims: the universe and truth

psypher (
Thu, 20 May 1999 11:31:27 -0400 (EDT)

...thank you for this. an idea a real thing if its referent is not manifest? If so, to what extent is the referent real, since its pattern [the idea] consists of matter-energy embedded in space-time?


> The universe consists of all and only real things. Something is real
> if its pattern is manifested in matter-energy embedded in
> space-time. This would include things like memes, but implies that
> there are some ideas that have referents that don't exist. We can
> easily conceive of and talk about things that don't exist and aren't
> in the universe (e.g. galaxy-sized orange dolphins).
> Truth is a property only of representations (models, assertions,
> maps, statements, portraits). The truth of a representation depends
> on its meaning. Its meaning depends on its effect. Its effect
> depends on the context. Therefore the truth of a representation
> depends on the context. Absolute or objective truth exists only
> if you take something as a representation of itself. I'm not sure
> why anyone would want to do that, but there it is. (At least it
> might give you some common grounds for discussion with someone
> that insists that absolute truth exists.)
> The truth of a representation is a measure of how well it does
> its job as a model (correspondence theory). How well does the
> map describe the territory? How well does the portrait capture
> the essence of the subject? This is a metaphysical definition of
> truth. However we can only judge the truth of a representation
> by how well it fits with other representations we believe to be true
> (coherence theory). Does the assertion contradict anything else we
> think is true? What if our interpretation of the purpose and intent
> of the representation is mistaken? This is the epistemological
> definition truth. I hope I have shown that the correspondence
> theory and coherence theory are orthogonal, and in fact,
> complementary.
> --
> David McFadzean
> Memetic Engineer
> Church of Virus Fastmail's Free web based email for Canadians