virus: Re: virus-digest V3 #109

Heidi Nordberg (
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 17:46:12 -0400

Actually, in response to Mr. Harvard, he was asked to bring the box cutter to our house by his father--to get old stickers off his car. He simply forgot to take it out of his bag and it dropped out during class. He is an artist, as is his mother, and it is a standard tool--again, readily available in his art class. So if it's a "weapon," it shouldn't be allowed there either.
The ten days is only while he awaiting trial for expulsion. I am originally from Massachusetts, so I hear what you're saying about Cambridge and the general Hah-vahd area. But are you seriously arguing that a tool that was not in any way
used or threatened to be used as a weapon IS a weapon? There was no assault, no threatened assault, and there have been over a hundred kids kicked out of this "charter" school for similar offences--like shooting water pistols. Granted, there were the burglers, the vandals, and the heroin addicts too. I just think it has gone too far. Your comments smack of sexism and ignorance and possibly an administrator's point of view. I hope that you don't have any children of your own. Your stereotype of parents is appalling. This kid has been the victim of violence (check out Atlanta figures), but never the instigator--even the administrators grant that. He was caught skipping gym class, that's about it. When I was in High School, and it wasn't THAT long ago (graduated 82), kids were given a chance to turn around when they made a mistake. I'm just saying that our society is becoming more fascist and more repressive, and that there will be reactions to that. I'm surprised to hear the tone you express on this listserv.

Heidi L. Nordberg