I don't think you fully get the Zen you're quoting. Not only is the map not the territory, but no map can ever be the territory.
Richard Brodie richard@brodietech.com http://www.brodietech.com/rbrodie/
Author, "Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme"
Free newsletter! Visit Meme Central at
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-virus@lucifer.com [mailto:owner-virus@lucifer.com]On Behalf
Of joe dees
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 1999 7:56 PM
To: virus@lucifer.com
Subject: Re:RE: Truth at all costs (was RE: virus: from the Skeptic's
At Tue, 9 Feb 1999 13:45:17 -0800, you wrote:
>No, truth is NOT reality. If it were, there would be no point in searching
>for it. You don't have to search for reality. It's right there all the
>Truth is information. Memes.
>Richard Brodie richard@brodietech.com http://www.brodietech.com/rbrodie/
>Author, "Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme"
>Free newsletter! Visit Meme Central at
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-virus@lucifer.com [mailto:owner-virus@lucifer.com]On Behalf
>Of sodom
>Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 1999 11:52 AM
>To: 'virus@lucifer.com'
>Subject: RE: Truth at all costs (was RE: virus: from the Skeptic's
>Truth is reality - To say I am searching for truth is putting the cart
>ahead of the mule as any truth I look for has me incorporated into it. I
>don't search for truth - I look at the evidence and choose based upon the
>odds. When the odds are extreme I accept this information as "truth" until
>there is evidence to the contrary. I am not disappointed when I am wrong -
>being wrong is an excellent opportunity to improve. I am happy to be right,
>if right was earned from my labors. If I am right by guessing or default -
>I am usually upset - this drives my ego to understand WHY I was right.
>I suppose from my perspective - there is a cost associated with not looking
>for "truth" - finding truth is just a matter of decision.
>Bill Roh
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eric Boyd [SMTP:6ceb3@qlink.queensu.ca]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 1999 1:14 PM
>To: virus@lucifer.com
>Subject: Re: Truth at all costs (was RE: virus: from the Skeptic's
>From: sodom <sodom@ma.ultranet.com>:
>>Truth has no cost
>Truth has no cost? Could you elaborate? I've always thought that
>truth had a pretty big cost (e.g. the purpose of a proof is to
>*compel* belief; the capital t Truth *forces* the issue)
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher