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2025-02-05 12:56:25 CoV Wiki
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Déjà vu

Which of the following statements do you agree with concerning the phenomenon of déjà vu.

It is a hoax, no one has experienced it0.00 (0.00%)
I have experienced it80.09 (49.70%)
It is evidence for psychic abilities0.02 (0.01%)
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly81.06 (50.29%)

decisiveness (0.96%)
unvoted equity (16.71%)
voted equity (83.29%)

26 Voters: David Lucifer, Ophis, Casey, ElvenSage, DrSebby, Cydonia, Walter Watts, DJ dAndroid, Kid-A, subdermal, Sat, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Rhysenn, Pabreetzio, MoEnzyme, Azareph, simul, prometheus, pickler, Hermit, archangelsin, goomba, teh, deusdiabolus, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
David LuciferI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
I created this vote because I experience deja vu many times in the last few weeks
OphisI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
I happens when "they" change something in the Matrix
CaseyIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
ElvenSageprivateno comment
DrSebbyIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
if the brain 'thinks' it has seen something before, the illusion is complete. ive had some great ones.
CydoniaIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
It's been explaned in science. As usual, people attribute the supernatural to what they don't understand or analyze.
Walter WattsIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
DJ dAndroidIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
Deja Vu happens (to me) but I'm not sure I'm projecting. For others it seems more "real."
Kid-AI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
subdermalI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
SatIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
Note that 'neurological anomaly' can also read as 'Sat.'
Drakeo VortexIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
chippedlogicI have experienced it
no comment
RhysennI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
PabreetzioI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
MoEnzymeI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
All over again? ;)
Azarephprivateno comment
simulI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
it's a function of the brain's ability to work holistically and unconsiously find meta-patterns
prometheusprivateno comment
This effect occurs when there is a time delay in signals passing between lobes through the amygdala/temporal lobe. Measured, induced & documented.
picklerI have experienced it
no comment
HermitI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
The neurological basis for déjà vu was described by William James in the 1890s. The phenomenon occurs when there is a sensible processing difference between the hemispheres, when the brain may decide that the slower signal was triggered by a memory.
archangelsinI have experienced it
no comment
goombaIt is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment
tehprivateno comment
deusdiabolusI have experienced it
no comment
BohandezI have experienced it
It is just an illusion caused by a neurological anomaly
no comment

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