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2025-02-05 12:58:12 CoV Wiki
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News: Do you want to know where you stand?

What kind of postmodernist are you?

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Gender Nazi2 (5.88%)
Tortured Conceptual Artist4 (11.76%)
Theory Slut11 (32.35%)
Deconstructionist Weirdo3 (8.82%)
Grassroots Activist2 (5.88%)
Cyberculture Floozie5 (14.71%)
Revisionist Historian1 (2.94%)
Not Postmodern6 (17.65%)

not voted125 (78.62%)
voted34 (21.38%)

34 Voters: Matt Arnold, Sat, David Lucifer, metahuman, goomba, rhinoceros, prometheus, Ophis, Casey, ElvenSage, Feagwath, Galt, Kid-A, Rhysenn, Flux, DrSebby, Mayrel, opsima, the.bricoleur, Lukian The Wizard, Atheist Crusader, Hermit, simul, Walter Watts, michelle, outlawpoet, Alex Future Bokov, DJ dAndroid, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, MoEnzyme, pickler, teh,
votervoted forcomment
David LuciferTheory Slut
no comment
metahumanNot Postmodern
Whether you harbor some vestige of modernist morality or simply fail to see the irony in Reality TV, one thing is clear. You are just Not Postmodern.
rhinocerosTheory Slut
You are a Theory Slut. The true elite of the postmodernists, you collect avant-garde Indonesian hiphop compilations and eat journal articles for breakfast.
goombaCyberculture Floozie
You are a Cyberculture Floozie. The theoretical aspects of postmodernism interest you only insofar as they can be used to make cool blinky things.
prometheusTortured Conceptual Artist
no comment
OphisTortured Conceptual Artist
no comment
CaseyCyberculture Floozie
Fits me to a "t"!
ElvenSageprivateno comment
FeagwathDeconstructionist Weirdo
no comment
GaltNot Postmodern
no comment
Kid-ATheory Slut
no comment
Rhysennprivateno comment
FluxGrassroots Activist
"You are a Grassroots Activist. Anti-capitalist, anti-patrist, anti-authoritarian, whatever, you're just fuckin' anti. You probably tell people you hate postmodernism, but that assertion elides the complex interdependencies among academic poststructuralis
MayrelTortured Conceptual Artist
no comment
opsimaTheory Slut
no comment
SatDeconstructionist Weirdo
no comment
Lukian The WizardCyberculture Floozie
How on earth did I get Revisionist Historian? http://quizilla.com/cgi-bin/result/list/list.pl Oh wait.. I missed the LISP Primer option as light reading, much better: Cyberculture Floozie.
Atheist CrusaderTortured Conceptual Artist
no comment
HermitTheory Slut
no comment
simulDeconstructionist Weirdo
***Transhuman Cyber-Buddhist***
Matt ArnoldRevisionist Historian
I hate postmodernism as much as Greg Egan does.
Walter WattsTheory Slut
And a VERY pragmatic Theory Slut at that!!
michelleGender Nazi
outlawpoetNot Postmodern
no comment
Alex Future BokovNot Postmodern
I'm actually a gun-toting, coal-burning, smoke-spewing modernist... who knows which way the wind is blowing and can pretend to be any of the above as necessary.
DJ dAndroidCyberculture Floozie
no comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicTheory Slut
true story.
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
MoEnzymeGender Nazi
I really thought I was more or a Theory slut myself, but perhaps sex really is more important than I have admitted in the past.
picklerprivateno comment
tehTheory Slut
no comment

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