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2025-02-05 12:54:33 CoV Wiki
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Acceptable usage of the word 'create'

Which of the following sentences use the word "create" correctly? Note that the truth of the sentences is not relevant.

The artist created a portrait.83.12 (35.12%)
The sand dunes were created by the wind.32.50 (13.73%)
The little boy accidently created a mess.29.91 (12.64%)
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.30.41 (12.85%)
The missing item was found in a create.0.00 (0.00%)
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.29.92 (12.64%)
God created man after the animals.30.56 (12.92%)
The technology was too create to work.0.23 (0.10%)

decisiveness (50.62%)
unvoted equity (13.80%)
voted equity (86.20%)

44 Voters: Sat, David Lucifer, Ophis, ElvenSage, Blunderov, Lukian The Wizard, Kid-A, opsima, Kalkor, rhinoceros, the.bricoleur, prometheus, Casey, Flux, DrSebby, Walter Watts, outlawpoet, simul, goomba, metahuman, Rhysenn, Galt, Nikolai, Atheist Crusader, Hermit, Hermitess, LenKen, Matt Arnold, Joe Dees, michelle, Heretician, MoEnzyme, Alex Future Bokov, ObfuscatoryAlias, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, Azareph, pickler, teh, deusdiabolus, Fox, letheomaniac, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
David Luciferprivateno comment
Ophisprivateno comment
ElvenSageprivateno comment
BlunderovThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
The technology was too create to work.
no comment
Lukian The WizardAll matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
Not sure on big bang one
Kid-AThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
no comment
opsimaprivateno comment
Kalkorprivateno comment
rhinocerosprivateno comment
the.bricoleurprivateno comment
prometheusprivateno comment
Caseyprivateno comment
FluxThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
no comment
DrSebbyprivateno comment
Walter Wattsprivateno comment
outlawpoetThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
God created man after the animals.
no comment
simulprivateno comment
goombaThe technology was too create to work.
metahumanThe artist created a portrait.
Usage of the word "create" affects the truth of the statements. The truth of the statements are relevant in this context. Causation and development are not the same as creation.
Rhysennprivateno comment
GaltThe artist created a portrait.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
no comment
Satprivateno comment
Nikolaiprivateno comment
Atheist Crusaderprivateno comment
HermitessThe artist created a portrait.
no comment
LenKenThe artist created a portrait.
As everyone knows, the Ancient Egyptian god Atum created the universe by masturbating into the void, his semen becoming the stars and planets we see today.
Matt ArnoldThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
Verb, to make or cause to exist in its current arrangement; whether intentionally or "from nothing" is irrelevant.
Joe DeesThe artist created a portrait.
no comment
michelleprivateno comment
Hereticianprivateno comment
MoEnzymeprivateno comment
Alex Future BokovThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
no comment
ObfuscatoryAliasprivateno comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicThe earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
no comment
PabreetzioThe sand dunes were created by the wind.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
God created man after the animals.
no comment
AzarephThe artist created a portrait.
no comment
picklerprivateno comment
tehprivateno comment
deusdiabolusThe artist created a portrait.
The sand dunes were created by the wind.
The little boy accidently created a mess.
All matter and energy were created in the Big Bang.
The earth was created over 4 billion years ago.
no comment
FoxThe artist created a portrait.
The artist created a portrait seems to be the only logical answer here fitting the term "create", since it requires an intention.
letheomaniacThe artist created a portrait.
The potrait is the product of conscious effort unlike the dune.
Bohandezprivateno comment

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