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Virian Reading Suggestions

Which of these should be added to the Virian reading list?

Voltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary14 (41.18%)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil15 (44.12%)
JS Mill - On Liberty10 (29.41%)
George Eliot - Middlemarch6 (17.65%)
George Bernard Shaw - St Joan6 (17.65%)
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian20 (58.82%)
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery18 (52.94%)
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy12 (35.29%)

not voted125 (78.62%)
voted34 (21.38%)

34 Voters: Kharin, Kid-A, rhinoceros, Mermaid, Hermit, Casey, Ophis, ElvenSage, opsima, Lukian The Wizard, simul, Walter Watts, the.bricoleur, David Lucifer, MoEnzyme, Blunderov, prometheus, Flux, DrSebby, outlawpoet, goomba, metahuman, Rhysenn, Galt, Sat, Atheist Crusader, LenKen, Joe Dees, michelle, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, pickler, teh,
votervoted forcomment
KharinVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
JS Mill - On Liberty
George Eliot - Middlemarch
George Bernard Shaw - St Joan
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
no comment
Kid-AFriedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
JS Mill - On Liberty
George Eliot - Middlemarch
George Bernard Shaw - St Joan
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
no comment
rhinocerosprivateno comment
MermaidJS Mill - On Liberty
George Eliot - Middlemarch
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Addition of fiction to the book list is a good idea.
HermitVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
JS Mill - On Liberty
George Eliot - Middlemarch
George Bernard Shaw - St Joan
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
no comment
ElvenSageprivateno comment
OphisJS Mill - On Liberty
no comment
opsimaprivateno comment
Lukian The WizardabstainedHaven't read any of them :)
simulVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
OMG: You're missing Wittgenstein and Nietzsche! Sheesh.
Walter Wattsprivateno comment
the.bricoleurVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
no comment
David Luciferprivateno comment
MoEnzymeprivateno comment
BlunderovFriedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
Found The Road to Freedom 2nd hand the other day -except for Iron in the Soul. The BBC did a production of it once - wish I could obtain the DVD.
prometheusprivateno comment
CaseyVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
JS Mill - On Liberty
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
I'd recommend additional readings by Nietzsche and Voltaire; as well as reading the works of Socrates, Plato, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.
Fluxprivateno comment
DrSebbyVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
no comment
outlawpoetFriedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
no comment
goombaprivateno comment
metahumanVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
George Bernard Shaw - St Joan
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Also recommend everything written by Lord Bertrand Russell.
Rhysennprivateno comment
GaltVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
no comment
SatFriedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea, The Road to Freedom Trilogy
no comment
Atheist CrusaderBertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
This is a great book in both content and presentation. It exemplifies the ideals of Virus and Bertrand Russell.
LenKenVoltaire - Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
I’d recommend all of Nietzsche’s works—at least from The Gay Science onward.
Joe DeesFriedrich Nietzsche - Thus Sprach Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil
JS Mill - On Liberty
Bertrand Russell - Why I am not a Christian
Karl Popper - The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery
no comment
michelleprivateno comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicprivateno comment
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
picklerprivateAll books should be read. The reader should make up her/his own minds about the quality of thought held within.
tehprivateno comment

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