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Does God exist?

What is your stance on the existence of the Christian god (omniscient, omnipotent, perfectly benevolent creator of the universe)?

God necessarily exists.0.00 (0.00%)
God certainly exists.0.31 (0.32%)
God probably exists.0.00 (0.00%)
I don't know.0.05 (0.06%)
God probably does not exist.2.72 (2.86%)
God certainly does not exist.5.44 (5.72%)
God cannot possibly exist.86.61 (91.04%)

decisiveness (81.17%)
unvoted equity (4.86%)
voted equity (95.14%)

79 Voters: David Lucifer, ElvenSage, Joe Dees, Jeber, rhinoceros, romanov, DrSebby, Ophis, Kalkor, Sat, Walter Watts, Hermit, Lukian The Wizard, referent, prometheus, celindra, Hermitess, Flux, MoEnzyme, Kid-A, nrv8, outlawpoet, Tywick, Blunderov, Kharin, goomba, Feagwath, Rhysenn, JerryLee, RavenBlack, opsima, the.bricoleur, Warlock, Smucker, Gods Imaginary Friend, lotusfox, RenegadeSocial, TrickleCloude, alahzred, Mermaid, JD, Casey, Wonko, se7en, michelle, simul, Aryn Ravenlocke, sun tzu, atra, metahuman, Galt, Gunit, Nikolai, Stev, Atheist Crusader, LenKen, Cydonia, Matt Arnold, Drakeo Vortex, nedwob, DJ dAndroid, Enoch, Heretician, d r i f t, Alex Future Bokov, ObfuscatoryAlias, subdermal, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, Jorrit, pickler, Fox, falcox, teh, deusdiabolus, SecondSpeaker, letheomaniac, Bohandez, Cassidy McGurk,
votervoted forcomment
David LuciferGod cannot possibly exist.
I'm convinced by the arguments that the properties attributed to this god are logically inconsistent.
JeberGod cannot possibly exist.
Superstitions are popular, but that doesn't give them validity.
Mermaidprivateno comment
JDprivateno comment
romanovprivateno comment
Caseyprivateno comment
WonkoGod cannot possibly exist.
The christian god phantasy is just too stupid. Jesus never lived, it is a fraud made up some 100 years later.
se7enprivateno comment
michelleGod certainly does not exist.
Too simplistic. I hate it when we anthropomorphize a diety. :(
Lukian The WizardGod probably does not exist.
I'm an ex-Xian, agnotic I suppose, athiest at best :)
MoEnzymeGod cannot possibly exist.
I agree with Lucifer's rationale on this one. Anthropomorphism is part and parcel human capacity to conceptualize. So from a memes-eye PoV God thingies are as inevitable as they are irrational, with or without Christianity.
simulI don't know.
Setting aside anthropomorphism as juvenile: systems, covalent bonds, organisms and societies with integrity and cooperation are powerful and stable. This Law of Diversity and Cooperation can be seen as God or evidence therof.
Aryn Ravenlockeprivateno comment
sun tzuGod probably does not exist.
Putting aside the anthropomorphism and such...The concept of an "omniscient, omipotent, perfectly benevolent creator of the universe" isn't impossible...And there's no conclusive evidence AGAINST it...But I see a lack of indications - nevermind proofs - i
atraGod cannot possibly exist.
no comment
metahumanGod probably does not exist.
Given that the existence of gods or of a single god is logically impossible, "God" probably does not exist, however, I cannot rationally state with reasonable certainty that "God" does not exist. Therefore, it is possible that "God" may or may not exist.
GaltGod certainly does not exist.
no comment
GunitGod probably does not exist.
Based on my personal experience I have no knowledge of god, however I cannot assume that I have the ability to understand even a fraction of what goes on in the universe, including the possibility of a god.
StevGod probably does not exist.
The idea behind human knowlage in respect to our enviroment is that it cannot exceed it. Perhaps there are higher planes where the very nature of logic itself, is skewed, or different. Because we cannot judge the existance of such, or deny it, then one ha
Atheist CrusaderGod cannot possibly exist.
I personally do not believe that anyone who has looked at the world and seen what is in it could conclude that there could even possibly be an "omniscient, omnipotent, perfectly benevolent creator of the universe."
LenKenGod probably does not exist.
If God is omniscient, he knows of all suffering; if he’s omnipotent, he can do something about it; if he’s omnibenevolent, he would do something. If any kind of a god exists, it’s not the one invented by the Christians, Muslims, or Jews.
CydoniaprivateWe can never truly know anything.
Matt ArnoldprivateThank you for defining the terms when asking the question. Too often "god" is a moving target, but this specific definition is easy to call impossible.
Joe DeesGod cannot possibly exist.
no comment
Drakeo VortexGod certainly does not exist.
no comment
nedwobGod probably does not exist.
Although that probability is infintesimal
JerryLeeGod cannot possibly exist.
no comment
DJ dAndroidGod cannot possibly exist.
God as a cranky old omniscient man? No. I don't believe that Earth has a cosmic Captain plotting our course.
EnochGod certainly exists.
I didn't used to believe in God. No one convinced me of his existence and my change in belief happened literaly overnight.
Hereticianprivateno comment
"God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom." Try that at your next encounter with a stubborn christian! I sincerely embrace the idea of "that" God existing. But, the evidence of this clearly not being the case is overwhelming.
d r i f tGod cannot possibly exist.
"God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom." Try that at your next encounter with a stubborn christian! I sincerely embrace the idea of "that" God existing. But, the evidence of this clearly not being the case is overwhelming.
Alex Future BokovGod probably does not exist.
no comment
ObfuscatoryAliasGod probably does not exist.
A 5.5 would have been a cushy spot for me.
subdermalGod cannot possibly exist.
no comment
chippedlogicI don't know.
a driving force has to somewhere in the fabric of reality, even the atoms have set rules and definitions.
HermitGod cannot possibly exist.
Fortunately nothing with the described attributes can exist. The Christian's primitive and vicious "gods" would need eradication if they did exist.
PabreetzioGod certainly exists.
Existence is contingent upon perception. I can justify all God characteristics into one perceptable meme.
Jorritprivateno comment
TrickleCloudeGod probably does not exist.
I Certainly Hope That String Theory Is Accurate...
Gods Imaginary FriendGod cannot possibly exist.
no comment
picklerprivateno comment
falcoxGod certainly does not exist.
Thousands of years, and no proof.. The creationists got it all wrong.
tehprivateno comment
deusdiabolusI don't know.
no comment
FoxGod cannot possibly exist.
The assertion of "God" just comes out with to many logical errors to be considered, even hypothetically, a reality.
SecondSpeakerGod cannot possibly exist.
Shouldn't there be a possibility to reject the item, being not of substantial interest for the community?
letheomaniacGod cannot possibly exist.
There is no proof of the existence of God. None. At all.
BohandezGod cannot possibly exist.
If the natural evolution is right (and it is) then the complexity of God should be an evolved one. Complexity doesn't just happen to exist, it should be evolved.
Cassidy McGurkprivateno comment

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