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2025-02-05 05:53:29 CoV Wiki
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NEW CoV: Mailing List?

Should we keep or remove the mailing list when we update the CoV? Why?

Keep it!23 (79.31%)
Remove it.5 (17.24%)

not voted130 (81.76%)
voted29 (18.24%)

29 Voters: DJ dAndroid, Joe Dees, Cassidy McGurk, Casey, Walter Watts, ElvenSage, opsima, Matt Arnold, JD, hkhenson@rogers.com, David Lucifer, michelle, Durazac15, Kid-A, Ophis, DrSebby, prometheus, LenKen, Blunderov, MoEnzyme, outlawpoet, Sat, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, simul, pickler, goomba, teh,
votervoted forcomment
Joe DeesKeep it!
no comment
Cassidy McGurkRemove it.
I'm sick to death of mailing list give me a bbs with decent rss feed anytime
CaseyRemove it.
I've not subscribed to the list for a couple of years. I come to the CoV BBS and peruse the posts from there.
Walter WattsKeep it!
As Chevy Chase says in "Fletch": "I like it!" -- And add opt-in/out by poster/thread/forum option
ElvenSageRemove it.
I believe that most users will benefit from a newer BBS system then a old-style mailing list.
opsimaKeep it!
I've always appreciated the mailing list, and I just don't have time to keep up on the BBS.
Matt ArnoldRemove it.
Use the notifications feature of the BBS instead. The mailing list is superfluous and not worth reading.
JDKeep it!
no comment
hkhenson@rogers.comKeep it!
Email is the only way I will look at something on a daily basis.
David Luciferprivateno comment
michelleKeep it!
The mailing really helps people who don't have time to browse a bbs but still want to be involved. It disseminates ideas. Things get forwarded. Etc.
Durazac15Keep it!
the fastest way to become a non entity is to reduce your the spread of your memes, and limit the sources of information put out by the CoV.
Kid-AKeep it!
I dont read it very often, but i see it is still worth a lot to many members, so i wouldnt want them to miss out due to my own faults
OphisKeep it!
I don't use the mailing list, but if it is valuable for other members, we should take away a channel of communication.
DrSebbyKeep it!
this is the heart and soul in some ways...where the CoV forces you to remember and think about it.
prometheusprivateno comment
LenKenKeep it!
And what Walter Watts wrote.  (That’s kind of a tongue-twister, isn’t it?)
BlunderovKeep it!
Some people still have dial up. Pray dog I will never go back there again.
MoEnzymeKeep it!
no comment
outlawpoetKeep it!
no comment
SatKeep it!
no comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicprivatekeep so new members can look back at old archives of material passed around.
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
simulKeep it!
it's the only thing i use
DJ dAndroidKeep it!
I never did subscribe because my mail habits are not that... organized? But if people like it and use it then great.
picklerKeep it!
I don't get the chance to check the BBS regularly, yet i'd still like to be informed
goombaRemove it.
because i would rather just go to the forum and IRC
tehKeep it!
no comment

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