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Saints: dead or alive?

Should living persons be eligible for Virian illumination (sainthood)?

Yes1.92 (2.25%)
No83.70 (97.75%)

decisiveness (81.77%)
unvoted equity (14.38%)
voted equity (85.62%)

29 Voters: Hermit, Ophis, Casey, rhinoceros, David Lucifer, the.bricoleur, Walter Watts, Sat, prometheus, Kid-A, ElvenSage, opsima, michelle, outlawpoet, DrSebby, Flux, MoEnzyme, Matt Arnold, Alex Future Bokov, DJ dAndroid, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, simul, pickler, goomba, teh, letheomaniac, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
As long as sainthood can be removed if the living person decides to alter his/her course in a direction that would be judged to be incompatible with the CoV virtues.
I'd rather the person no longer be alive in order that he/she will not do something that the CoV may perceive as not affording them the honor of being illuminated.
We are only humans and therefore susceptible to fads, especially in the short term.
David LuciferNo
Too many problems with illuminating living people. Let's come up with a differerent honour.
no comment
Walter WattsNo
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Satprivateno comment
prometheusprivateno comment
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michelleprivateno comment
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Matt ArnoldYes
It seems fitting that a progressive, modern religion should emphasize the future over the past. Let's make eligible hypothetical people who aren't born yet, like the first artificial intelligence.
Alex Future BokovYes
Don't let it ever be said I lack ambition.
DJ dAndroidNo
Because it should be an "un-removeable" honor, and what if they eventually prove unworthy? 15 years ago I never thought Skinny_Puppy would let me down but... :p
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicprivateno comment
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
no comment
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If for no other reason but that a living person still has the ability to embarrass. Safely dead saints are much more predictable.
no comment
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Too inconvenient to continuously update the bio I think.
Bohandezprivateno comment

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