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2025-02-05 05:58:35 CoV Wiki
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Global warming

What is your stance on global warming?

Certainly nothing to worry about0.01 (0.01%)
Probably nothing to worry about27.48 (31.50%)
Undecided0.70 (0.80%)
Probably something to worry about0.72 (0.82%)
Certainly something to worry about58.33 (66.86%)

decisiveness (30.85%)
unvoted equity (12.77%)
voted equity (87.23%)

42 Voters: Sat, David Lucifer, the.bricoleur, Rhysenn, Ophis, prometheus, Kid-A, DrSebby, sun tzu, Casey, ElvenSage, opsima, Flux, MoEnzyme, Walter Watts, Atheist Crusader, LenKen, Hermit, rhinoceros, Hermitess, simul, Matt Arnold, Joe Dees, michelle, nedwob, Tywick, JerryLee, outlawpoet, Beneficientor, Heretician, Alex Future Bokov, ObfuscatoryAlias, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, Azareph, pickler, archangelsin, goomba, teh, deusdiabolus, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
David LuciferProbably nothing to worry about
The Kyoto treaty is irrational. globalwarming.org is a good source of skeptical information.
the.bricoleurProbably nothing to worry about
Heard of the Medieval Warm Period? Little Ice Age perhaps? No? Don’t worry; the IPCC claimed they never happened and ignored the evidence for both in its climate change assessment reports.
Rhysennprivateno comment
OphisProbably nothing to worry about
no comment
prometheusprivateno comment
I'm more worried about soil erosion
DrSebbyprivateno comment
sun tzuProbably something to worry about
I'm no expert, but from what I've heard and seen, trouble is starting...Even if it'll take decades before it's a serious threat.
Caseyprivateno comment
no comment
opsimaprivateno comment
no comment
MoEnzymeProbably something to worry about
no comment
Satprivateno comment
Walter WattsCertainly something to worry about
Although the next ice-age (100,000 year cycles) is overdue. That could possibly be our next terrestrial disaster.
Atheist CrusaderProbably nothing to worry about
no comment
LenKenProbably something to worry about
To be more specific: It’s something about which we should be rationally concerned—but not irrationally worried.
HermitCertainly something to worry about
Any change is potentially of concern (and inevitable). Making changes without comprehending them is asinine. Change is happening. Comprehension, as demonstrated by Kyoto, is absent. Worry is sensible. The most likely trigger for the next ice age is the pi
rhinocerosCertainly something to worry about
Man-made climate change - http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0403083 (search: "changes larger than normal climate variations"). News: Global warming spirals upwards - http://news.independent.co.uk/world/environment/story.jsp?story=505798
HermitessCertainly something to worry about
no comment
simulProbably something to worry about
no comment
Matt ArnoldProbably nothing to worry about
no comment
Joe DeesProbably something to worry about
no comment
michelleCertainly something to worry about
If you're going to worry, at least this is something concrete... it's happened before, it will happen again - timing is irrelevant to worries!
nedwobCertainly something to worry about
no comment
Tywickprivateno comment
outlawpoetProbably something to worry about
no comment
JerryLeeProbably nothing to worry about
no comment
BeneficientorProbably something to worry about
Earth has undergone far more drastic changes in climate than we are seeing, and probably will see in the future. But human impact on the atmosphere must be considered carefully.
Hereticianprivateno comment
Alex Future BokovProbably something to worry about
no comment
no comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicCertainly nothing to worry about
paleoevidence supports often cooling and warming periods throught the time of earths' existence.
PabreetzioProbably nothing to worry about
no comment
AzarephCertainly something to worry about
It's clear, this winter in southamerica wasn't winter at all, still sunny days in usually foggy places. Bad sign.
picklerprivateno comment
no comment
goombaProbably nothing to worry about
no comment
tehProbably something to worry about
no comment
deusdiabolusProbably something to worry about
"Oh well, we'll probably all be blown up anyway."
BohandezProbably something to worry about
no comment

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