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Tell us about the computer[s] you use to access the CoV

Please choose all the operating systems, architectures and connection type you use to access the CoV.

OS: Some Linux15 (29.41%)
OS: Some Windows39 (76.47%)
OS: Some Apple OSx6 (11.76%)
OS: Other [Please Reply to List]1 (1.96%)
Screen Resolution 800x600 or less5 (9.80%)
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less24 (47.06%)
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x76823 (45.10%)
Connection: Dial-up13 (25.49%)
Connection: Broadband 256 kbps or less10 (19.61%)
Connection: Broadband 512 kbps or less9 (17.65%)
Connection: Broadband 1Mbps or less18 (35.29%)
Connection: Broadband better than 1Mbps14 (27.45%)

not voted108 (67.92%)
voted51 (32.08%)

51 Voters: Hermit, ElvenSage, Hermitess, Blunderov, referent, goomba, Rhysenn, rhinoceros, David Lucifer, Ophis, Flux, Kid-A, DrSebby, outlawpoet, RavenBlack, prometheus, Walter Watts, Cassidy McGurk, opsima, the.bricoleur, Warlock, Matt Arnold, Smucker, lotusfox, RenegadeSocial, Kalkor, Zloduska, Sat, Jeber, Mermaid, JD, Casey, michelle, Lukian The Wizard, simul, metahuman, Feagwath, Galt, Atheist Crusader, LenKen, Joe Dees, Alex Future Bokov, DJ dAndroid, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, MoEnzyme, Azareph, pickler, teh, letheomaniac,
votervoted forcomment
Jeberprivateno comment
Mermaidprivateno comment
JDprivateno comment
CaseyOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Connection: Broadband 512 kbps or less
no comment
michelleOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Connection: Dial-up
no comment
Lukian The WizardOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Dial-up
Connection: Broadband 256 kbps or less
Opera Browser, 1280x1024, Windows XP
simulprivateno comment
rhinocerosOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution 800x600 or less
Connection: Broadband 512 kbps or less
Pentium 800/oc:900, RAM 256, 15" Monitor, Windows 98SE, ADSL 384down/128up
lotusfoxOS: Some Linux
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Connection: Dial-up
anything windows/apple can do, linux can do better. also, although you still need to be proficent with computers to use linux well, it's nice to not have to be a programmer.
metahumanOS: Other [Please Reply to List]
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband 1Mbps or less
Windows XP Professional
FeagwathOS: Some Apple OSx
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband 256 kbps or less
I think different, differently.
GaltOS: Some Windows
OS: Some Apple OSx
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Dial-up
Connection: Broadband 256 kbps or less
no comment
Atheist Crusaderprivateno comment
LenKenScreen Resolution 800x600 or less
Connection: Dial-up
OS is Windows 98SE and I have a 56K dial-up modem—which, admittedly, ain’t much—but it sure beats the Apple IIE’s we had when I was in high school.
Matt ArnoldOS: Some Linux
OS: Some Windows
OS: Some Apple OSx
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Connection: Dial-up
Connection: Broadband 256 kbps or less
no comment
Joe DeesOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband better than 1Mbps
no comment
Alex Future BokovOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution 800x600 or less
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Connection: Broadband 256 kbps or less
Connection: Broadband better than 1Mbps
no comment
DJ dAndroidOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution 1024x768 or less
Connection: Broadband 512 kbps or less
I'm a Transhuman in dire need of more tech & better toys! (All in good time, I'm patient.)
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicabstainedno comment
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
MoEnzymeOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution 800x600 or less
Connection: Dial-up
I've stopped using my computer for porn and just buy it in over the counter DVD's now. That has made this otherwise crappy low tech connection much more useful than I previously imagined.
Azarephprivateno comment
HermitOS: Some Linux
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband 1Mbps or less
Connection: Broadband better than 1Mbps
Linux offers far greater than stability than Whinedoze when performing ordinary tasks.
picklerOS: Some Linux
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband better than 1Mbps
no comment
tehOS: Some Linux
OS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband better than 1Mbps
no comment
letheomaniacOS: Some Windows
Screen Resolution greater than 1024x768
Connection: Broadband 1Mbps or less
Nerdy, but not nerdy enough to know what to do with Linux.

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