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The pursuit of happiness

Which of the following do you accept? (from FAQ: Is the Church of Virus a Religion)

5.1) That the pursuit of happiness is completely sufficient to establish an ethical and purposeful life.55.87 (19.94%)
5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.57.22 (20.42%)
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.82.25 (29.35%)
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.84.93 (30.30%)

decisiveness (2.68%)
unvoted equity (7.94%)
voted equity (92.06%)

51 Voters: Hermit, Kharin, rhinoceros, David Lucifer, Ophis, JerryLee, Hermitess, Kid-A, goomba, ElvenSage, Feagwath, Blunderov, referent, DrSebby, outlawpoet, RavenBlack, prometheus, Walter Watts, Cassidy McGurk, opsima, the.bricoleur, Warlock, Smucker, RenegadeSocial, DJ dAndroid, Sat, Jeber, Mermaid, Casey, Kalkor, michelle, Lukian The Wizard, simul, Aryn Ravenlocke, metahuman, Rhysenn, Galt, Vanacaro, Atheist Crusader, LenKen, Joe Dees, Flux, Drakeo Vortex, Heretician, Alex Future Bokov, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, MoEnzyme, pickler, teh, Bohandez,
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Jeberprivateno comment
Mermaidprivateno comment
Caseyprivateno comment
Kalkorprivateno comment
michelle5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
no comment
Lukian The Wizard5.1) That the pursuit of happiness is completely sufficient to establish an ethical and purposeful life.
5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
no comment
simul5.1) That the pursuit of happiness is completely sufficient to establish an ethical and purposeful life.
5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
Aryn Ravenlockeprivateno comment
metahuman5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
no comment
5.1 Is it the happiness of the individual or of the "pack"? 5.3 Isn't it a bit contrary to the purpose of this site to vote on beliefs of evidence? If it is evidence you wouldn't need to vote on it.
Rhysennprivateno comment
Galt5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
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Vanacaroprivateno comment
Atheist Crusaderprivateno comment
LenKen5.1) That the pursuit of happiness is completely sufficient to establish an ethical and purposeful life.
5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
This may sound rather pedantic, but perhaps it would be more beneficial to extol the pursuit of enjoyment rather than happiness. Enjoyment is an involved process and an active state of becoming, whereas happiness is merely a static state of being.
Joe Dees5.1) That the pursuit of happiness is completely sufficient to establish an ethical and purposeful life.
5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
no comment
Flux5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
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Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
Hereticianprivateno comment
Alex Future Bokov5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
Actually, regimes based on the scientific method don't have a particularly good track record. Social science does best when it's descriptive.
chippedlogicprivateno comment
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
MoEnzymeprivateno comment
DJ dAndroidprivateno comment
picklerprivateno comment
teh5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
no comment
To solve everything, first believe nothing.
Bohandez5.2) That any behaviors which are contrary to our biological fundamentals or which prevent the achievement of happiness are harmful to us.
5.3) That evidence shows that social, technical and scientific progress minimizes the competition for scarce resources which prevent the conditions in 4.2 from being satisfied.
5.4) That the most likely condition under which progress is likely to occur is in a regime based on the scientific method and cooperation between people.
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