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Is cryonics a good bet?

What mostly accurately represents your stance on the possibility that someone cryonically suspended in the next 10 years will be successfully brought back to life sometime in the next 100 years?

It will necessarily happen0.01 (0.01%)
It will certainly happen0.00 (0.00%)
It will probably happen1.54 (1.67%)
I don't know3.27 (3.53%)
It probably won't happen34.47 (37.23%)
It certainly won't happen53.30 (57.57%)
It is impossible0.00 (0.00%)

decisiveness (18.83%)
unvoted equity (7.39%)
voted equity (92.61%)

60 Voters: Jeber, Sat, Hermit, outlawpoet, David Lucifer, Kharin, rhinoceros, Ophis, Hermitess, MoEnzyme, Kid-A, goomba, Walter Watts, ElvenSage, Feagwath, Blunderov, referent, JerryLee, Cassidy McGurk, DrSebby, RavenBlack, prometheus, opsima, the.bricoleur, Warlock, Smucker, RenegadeSocial, Kalkor, Mermaid, Casey, michelle, Lukian The Wizard, simul, Aryn Ravenlocke, atra, metahuman, Blackwater, Galt, Nikolai, MARCO CEZAR, Matt Arnold, LenKen, Joe Dees, Flux, Drakeo Vortex, deusdiabolus, Heretician, Alex Future Bokov, DJ dAndroid, ObfuscatoryAlias, subdermal, chippedlogic, Rhysenn, Pabreetzio, Azareph, pickler, archangelsin, teh, Sheldor, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
Jeberprivateno comment
Mermaidprivateno comment
CaseyI don't know
no comment
michelleIt will probably happen
no comment
Lukian The WizardIt will probably happen
no comment
simulIt probably won't happen
But I still signed up for it....just because it's fun.
Aryn Ravenlockeprivateno comment
atraIt will necessarily happen
no comment
metahumanprivateno comment
GaltIt probably won't happen
no comment
BlackwaterIt probably won't happen
no comment
MARCO CEZARprivateno comment
LenKenIt probably won't happen
But perhaps someone cryonically suspended in the next 100 years will be successfully brought back to life in the next 1000 years. Seriously.
Joe DeesIt certainly won't happen
no comment
NikolaiIt probably won't happen
no comment
FluxI don't know
no comment
Drakeo VortexIt will probably happen
but how much of them will remain intact?
deusdiabolusIt probably won't happen
Unless we can devise a permanent, uninterruptible power supply...slim to no chance.
Hereticianprivateno comment
MoEnzymeIt probably won't happen
no comment
Alex Future BokovI don't know
...and now let's vote on the possibility that someone who is *not* cryonically suspended will be successfully brought back to life anytime before the heat death of the universe. Any takers?
DJ dAndroidI don't know
It seems unlikely to me; brought back to life? Yes. But back to vital and "original" condition? ...
ObfuscatoryAliasIt probably won't happen
no comment
subdermalIt probably won't happen
no comment
chippedlogicIt certainly won't happen
when one is cyronically frozen, neither is the body(or mind frozen) but the molecules of H20, et all become crystalized/expand and this breaks membranes. Certain pathways are broken in linkage of hydrogen bondings, etc... it certainly wont happen.
Rhysennprivateno comment
PabreetzioIt certainly won't happen
no comment
Azarephprivateno comment
HermitIt certainly won't happen
If successful means "as before", then without a "time machine", no way. See the FAQ discussion at http://www.churchofvirus.org/bbs/index.php?board=31;action=display;threadid=25353
picklerprivateno comment
archangelsinIt will probably happen
no comment
tehIt probably won't happen
given some more time, yes. IMO it's too premature at the momment.
SheldorIt certainly won't happen
no comment
BohandezIt probably won't happen
no comment

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