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2025-02-05 05:57:10 CoV Wiki
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Does a deity exist?

What is your stance on the statement that the universe was created by an intelligent entity.

It is necessarily true.0.00 (0.00%)
It is certainly true.0.00 (0.00%)
It is probably true.0.07 (0.08%)
I don't know.0.16 (0.18%)
It is probably not true.38.51 (41.54%)
It is certainly not true.2.79 (3.01%)
It is impossible.51.17 (55.19%)

decisiveness (12.66%)
unvoted equity (7.29%)
voted equity (92.71%)

63 Voters: Sat, David Lucifer, Kid-A, referent, Hermit, prometheus, Ophis, celindra, Hermitess, Walter Watts, Flux, rhinoceros, MoEnzyme, outlawpoet, Blunderov, Kharin, goomba, ElvenSage, Feagwath, JerryLee, Rhysenn, DrSebby, RavenBlack, opsima, the.bricoleur, Warlock, Smucker, RenegadeSocial, TrickleCloude, Kalkor, alahzred, Jeber, Mermaid, Casey, michelle, Lukian The Wizard, simul, Aryn Ravenlocke, sun tzu, metahuman, Galt, Gunit, Nikolai, Atheist Crusader, LenKen, Matt Arnold, Cydonia, Joe Dees, Drakeo Vortex, Enoch, Heretician, Alex Future Bokov, DJ dAndroid, ObfuscatoryAlias, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, Azareph, pickler, falcox, teh, deusdiabolus, Fox, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
JeberIt is certainly not true.
"Intelligent" is a human concept, limited to this planet.
Mermaidprivateno comment
CaseyIt is certainly not true.
no comment
michelleIt is impossible.
I like Jeber's answer! Very true.
Lukian The WizardIt is probably not true.
no comment
simulIt is probably not true.
I've chosen to live in a belief that there is a Universal Law of Diversity and Cooperation as evidenced by biology, evolution and covalent bonds. This ULDC may have been created by a previous singularity.
Aryn Ravenlockeprivateno comment
sun tzuIt is probably not true.
Well, I've heard someone make an interesting case for tha Anthropic principle...I wasn't convinced, but I won't reject it as impossible.
metahumanIt is probably not true.
My position on all things religious is agnostic atheism.
GaltIt is probably not true.
no comment
Atheist CrusaderI don't know.
no comment
LenKenIt is probably not true.
Although it’s possible that some sort of god-type thing exists, it’s highly unlikely, Haile Selassie.
Matt ArnoldIt is impossible.
no comment
CydoniaI don't know.
We can never really know anything.
Joe DeesIt is impossible.
no comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
EnochIt is certainly true.
Personal experience coupled with rational assessment have led me to this conclusion. The alternative being that I'm crazy.
Hereticianprivateno comment
Alex Future BokovIt is probably true.
God != Diety. My definition of diety is a sentience I'd pray to, and heck, that wouldn't take much... just one or two singularities above me I'm guessing. That and the desire on its part for me to pray.
DJ dAndroidIt is certainly not true.
no comment
ObfuscatoryAliasI don't know.
no comment
chippedlogicI don't know.
certain driving forces erect matter, direct waves and presented the forces, no? apparently all existence is at the same time a singularity and a neosponataneous effort. all particles are independent.
PabreetzioIt is probably not true.
no comment
AzarephIt is probably not true.
no comment
HermitIt is impossible.
The Universe was not created. The current consensus position is that a gravitational fluctuation instantiated the Universe and it then evolved.
The Universe was not created. The current consensus position is that a gravitational fluctuation instantiated the Universe and it then evolved.
TrickleCloudeprivateno comment
picklerprivateno comment
falcoxIt is probably not true.
Not impossible, but unlikely.
tehIt is probably not true.
no comment
deusdiabolusprivateno comment
FoxIt is impossible.
Given what we know at this time I weyken that impossible would be a fair and justifiable opinion.
BohandezIt is impossible.
no comment

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