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When will the Singularity happen?

What is your best guess on the timeline to the Singularity?

before 20100.02 (0.02%)
2010-202056.75 (59.76%)
2020-205027.48 (28.94%)
2050-21002.78 (2.93%)
after 21005.07 (5.34%)
never2.86 (3.01%)

decisiveness (29.27%)
unvoted equity (5.01%)
voted equity (94.99%)

57 Voters: Kalkor, David Lucifer, rhinoceros, Sat, Cassidy McGurk, Walter Watts, Ophis, Kid-A, Hermit, Lukian The Wizard, Drakeo Vortex, referent, prometheus, celindra, MoEnzyme, nrv8, outlawpoet, Blunderov, goomba, JerryLee, ElvenSage, Feagwath, Hermitess, Rhysenn, DrSebby, RavenBlack, Matt Arnold, the.bricoleur, Warlock, Smucker, RenegadeSocial, alahzred, Kharin, Mermaid, opsima, Casey, michelle, simul, Aryn Ravenlocke, atra, metahuman, Galt, Flux, Gunit, Nikolai, Joe Dees, DJ dAndroid, Heretician, Alex Future Bokov, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, pickler, archangelsin, falcox, ifort, teh, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
Mermaidprivateno comment
opsimaprivateno comment
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Lukian The Wizard2010-2020
no comment
Perhaps a "singularity" is avoidable though the efforts of superintelligent beings? Distributed systems, after all, are more powerful than centralized ones. Otherwise we'd all be massive single-celled organisms.
Aryn Ravenlockeprivateno comment
atraprivateno comment
metahumanprivateno comment
no comment
no comment
GunitabstainedLeave this one up to Stephen.
Nikolaiprivateno comment
Matt Arnold2020-2050
no comment
Joe Deesafter 2100
no comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
DJ dAndroid2020-2050
no comment
Hereticianprivateno comment
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Alex Future Bokov2050-2100
Singularity is what happens so far in the future there's no point in guessing. For me it's always been 50 years, and that's where it will stay for another five decades or so.
chippedlogicbefore 2010
who is to say there currently is none?
no comment
If moore's law still holds and some idiot doesn't blow us up first, it is likely anytime from 2007 onwards.
picklerprivateno comment
archangelsinafter 2100
no comment
I'm sure its coming soon, not sure that it's a good idea however.
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