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Life after death

Is there life after death?

Definitely0.00 (0.00%)
Probably0.01 (0.01%)
Undecided0.05 (0.06%)
Probably not0.55 (0.63%)
Definitely not86.54 (99.29%)

decisiveness (85.98%)
unvoted equity (12.83%)
voted equity (87.17%)

31 Voters: DrSebby, Rhysenn, the.bricoleur, Kid-A, Matt Arnold, Heretician, David Lucifer, MoEnzyme, Ophis, Walter Watts, outlawpoet, Casey, prometheus, Alex Future Bokov, ObfuscatoryAlias, ElvenSage, DJ dAndroid, Sat, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, Azareph, simul, Hermit, pickler, archangelsin, goomba, teh, deusdiabolus, letheomaniac, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
DrSebbyDefinitely not
difficult to respond in this manner, since i would have to die to be absolutely certain. but if "life" consists of what we know, i would think not. if self-awareness is included, i also with much regret suggest not. is disorganized "me" still me?
RhysennDefinitely not
no comment
the.bricoleurProbably not
no comment
Kid-Aprivateno comment
Matt ArnoldDefinitely not
If there is, it's not death. But I do know that there is no good reason to postulate the existence of a separable soul. That's just as good as "definitely not."
Hereticianprivateno comment
David LuciferDefinitely not
Not yet anyway
MoEnzymeDefinitely not
no comment
OphisDefinitely not
no comment
Walter WattsDefinitely not
Carpe Diem
outlawpoetDefinitely not
no comment
Caseyprivateno comment
prometheusprivateno comment
Alex Future BokovUndecided
Depends on how uploading and cryonics play out.
ObfuscatoryAliasProbably not
no comment
ElvenSageprivateno comment
DJ dAndroidDefinitely not
no comment
SatProbably not
no comment
Drakeo VortexDefinitely not
no comment
life after death is the passing of raw knowledge to others.
PabreetzioprivateNot your own life. There is certainly life, but not your own.
no comment
simulProbably not
only because nothing is definite.
HermitDefinitely not
Death is by definition the irreversible cessation of lifelike activities by the body. As life is tied to the body there is no life after death. QED.
picklerDefinitely not
no comment
no comment
goombaDefinitely not
im taking this question literally and giving the response that i haven't seen any zombies walking around lately
tehProbably not
no comment
no comment
letheomaniacDefinitely not
BohandezProbably not
no comment

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