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Affirmative action

What do you think of affirmative action.

good idea0.15 (0.17%)
neutral57.17 (63.54%)
bad idea32.65 (36.29%)

decisiveness (24.52%)
unvoted equity (9.99%)
voted equity (90.01%)

32 Voters: David Lucifer, Casey, Kid-A, Ophis, Mermaid, prometheus, DrSebby, opsima, Walter Watts, Rhysenn, ZenWarrior, Heretician, MoEnzyme, outlawpoet, Matt Arnold, Alex Future Bokov, ElvenSage, subdermal, Sat, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, simul, Hermit, pickler, archangelsin, goomba, deusdiabolus, teh, DJ dAndroid, letheomaniac, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
David Luciferbad idea
All forms of racial discrimination are a bad idea.
no comment
no comment
Ophisbad idea
It's so counter-productive, it might as well have been labeled "negative action"
Mermaidbad idea
no comment
prometheusbad idea
no comment
DrSebbyprivateno comment
I don't think we're ready to get rid of it just yet. What would be a better approach to the problem though, is to pump more money into the budget for education in low income urban neighborhoods.
Walter Wattsbad idea
no comment
Rhysennprivateno comment
ZenWarriorgood idea
no comment
Hereticianprivateno comment
no comment
outlawpoetbad idea
no comment
Matt Arnoldneutral
I am unconvinced of the arguments for and against. I don't know.
Alex Future Bokovbad idea
no comment
ElvenSagebad idea
no comment
subdermalprivateno comment
Satbad idea
no comment
Drakeo Vortexgood idea
no comment
chippedlogicbad idea
no comment
Pabreetziobad idea
no comment
certainly a price should be paid. whose to say when or if reparations are sufficient? hard to tell really.
Sometimes affirmative action is needed, unfortunately it is seldom if ever helpful without totalitarian application. Which means not only feeding the hungry. Which is counter to Virian principles. Nevertheless, it can be used to show good faith.
picklerprivateno comment
archangelsinbad idea
no comment
goombaabstainedno comment
a double-edged sword just like most public policy
tehprivateno comment
DJ dAndroidprivateno comment
letheomaniacgood idea
In SA affirmative action benefits the majority which is unusual. I suppose it is also unusual to have the majority of the population at a disadvantage, so I would say it is a good thing, provided that it doesn't continue once the playing fields are level.
no comment

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