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The proactionary principle

Should the CoV endorse the Proactionary Principle (version 1.0)?

yes30.38 (34.18%)
no58.51 (65.82%)

decisiveness (28.12%)
unvoted equity (11.11%)
voted equity (88.89%)

28 Voters: JerryLee, outlawpoet, David Lucifer, rhinoceros, Ophis, Walter Watts, prometheus, DrSebby, Kid-A, Rhysenn, the.bricoleur, Matt Arnold, Heretician, MoEnzyme, Casey, Alex Future Bokov, ElvenSage, Sat, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, simul, Hermit, pickler, goomba, deusdiabolus, teh, Bohandez,
votervoted forcomment
no comment
no comment
David Luciferyes
We have to fight the precautionary principle
Solid science rather than popular perception is commendable but the EXI article is stereotyping a new hysterics using lots of strawmen. To whom is it addressed? Is paying for specific damages included in the risk assessment, and who can guarantee it?
no comment
Walter Wattsprivateno comment
no comment
DrSebbyprivateno comment
no comment
Rhysennprivateno comment
the.bricoleurprivateno comment
Matt Arnoldyes
no comment
Hereticianprivateno comment
a tentative yes. . . I would like some discussion before a final endorsement.
Caseyprivateno comment
Alex Future Bokovyes
no comment
I'm voting yes after reading it, but I think things like this should be discussed.
Satprivateno comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
science, technology, engineering, and enlightenments when tamed by institution result in nullification of potential.
no comment
it's radical dogma thinly disguised as logic. precautionary and proactionary are both extreme viewpoints
Science should not go surfing down a slippery slope or allow others to remove the snow boards. Science and the CoV should try to be reasonable. Being reasonable means avoiding the establishment of such rules and evaluating actual situations as they arise.
picklerprivatemore discussion required
it is general enough to be harmless, so why not
progress requires risk.
tehprivateno comment
no comment

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