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2024-12-26 20:35:49 CoV Wiki
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How much is the CoV worth to you?

How much would you pay (US$) to keep the CoV online?

nothing2 (7.69%)
$10/year11 (42.31%)
$5/month6 (23.08%)
$0.25/day2 (7.69%)
$1/day1 (3.85%)
more4 (15.38%)

not voted133 (83.65%)
voted26 (16.35%)

26 Voters: David Lucifer, Walter Watts, rhinoceros, Sat, ElvenSage, opsima, Casey, Matt Arnold, michelle, Kid-A, Ophis, DrSebby, prometheus, Flux, LenKen, MoEnzyme, outlawpoet, simul, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, Hermit, pickler, goomba, falcox, teh,
votervoted forcomment
David Lucifermore
no comment
Walter Wattsmore
Whatever it takes, man. Whatever it takes.
I had to ask myself what amount I could sustain for a long time if necessary. $30 a month looks like it.
Satprivateno comment
I'd help pay for the CoV... infact I'd host it if it came down to it. I can't right now though because the funds are low.
no comment
If you need funds to continue I wouldn't be opposed to helping in that regard.
Matt Arnold$10/year
no comment
no comment
no comment
Which reminds me my yearly subscription is probably due.
i might up the value if it really came to pass...though a dollar a day would be too much.
prometheusprivateno comment
Thats assuming I had that much :D
What Flux said.  :(
. . . at least. Maybe more. I don't think we could get a big crowd at $1 a day.
no comment
$5/year. this ballot should have allowed the user to type a number, or select from a lot more options
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicprivateno comment
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
HermitprivateThis is moderately selfish. As in most things in life, the greater the contribution, the greater the value.The risk is that the value can be negated by deliberate attacks.
picklerprivateno comment
goombaprivateno comment
Would donate more if needed.. but $10 a year is reasonable.
no comment

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