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Saints: real or fictional?

Should fictional characters be eligible for Virian illumination (sainthood)?

Yes0.50 (0.58%)
No86.59 (99.42%)

decisiveness (86.09%)
unvoted equity (12.90%)
voted equity (87.10%)

25 Voters: Ophis, Casey, David Lucifer, the.bricoleur, Walter Watts, Sat, prometheus, Kid-A, ElvenSage, opsima, Matt Arnold, michelle, outlawpoet, DrSebby, MoEnzyme, Alex Future Bokov, DJ dAndroid, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, simul, pickler, Hermit, goomba, teh,
votervoted forcomment
Fictional characters can be a good source of inspiration, but sainthood should be reserved for entities who had to make choices and sacrifices for what they believed in.
no comment
David LuciferNo
no comment
Walter WattsNo
no comment
Satprivateno comment
prometheusprivateno comment
no comment
no comment
A saint should be someone one can aspire towards. Fictional characters arise from their author's imagination, and its hard to aspire towards a figment of someone's creation.
Matt ArnoldYes
There is no real person who should be sainted. Any worthy role-model is just an abstraction.
A saint's life is a parable, why not allow fiction? It's the illustration that counts.
no comment
too easy. in fact just one 'perfect' saint could be conjured up, making the whole deal rather silly.
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Alex Future BokovNo
no comment
DJ dAndroidNo
But rather another category? Icons - or... something?
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
chippedlogicprivateno comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
Some "historical" characters are likely fictional (e.g. Jesus, King David) and some fictional characters likely had prototypes (Prometheus). Still I suggest that we select those we weyken to be real. Reality bites.
no comment
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