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Spreading the CoV memes

Should the CoV encourage more activism from its members by providing downloadable articles like business cards and posters to be distributed by active virians.

This is such a lame idea3 (7.89%)
We could compete with the Latter Day Saints9 (23.68%)
I like this idea25 (65.79%)
I've already been doing this1 (2.63%)

not voted121 (76.10%)
voted38 (23.90%)

38 Voters: Sat, David Lucifer, prometheus, Ophis, goomba, Kid-A, simul, outlawpoet, opsima, Flux, the.bricoleur, ElvenSage, atra, metahuman, rhinoceros, Blunderov, Rhysenn, Galt, DrSebby, Casey, Lukian The Wizard, Gunit, Nikolai, Atheist Crusader, Matt Arnold, Hermit, Hermitess, Joe Dees, Drakeo Vortex, Walter Watts, michelle, MoEnzyme, Alex Future Bokov, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, pickler, teh, letheomaniac,
votervoted forcomment
David LuciferI like this idea
no comment
OphisI like this idea
We could leave CoV business cards in public bathrooms
goombaThis is such a lame idea
no comment
prometheusprivateno comment
Kid-AWe could compete with the Latter Day Saints
outlawpoetWe could compete with the Latter Day Saints
no comment
opsimaprivateno comment
simulI've already been doing this
What's the point in having a religion if you can't proselytize? That's half the fun. I wish we had a better name though. "Church of Virus". CoV. COVEN ? "Church of Virians and Enlightened N-somthing" ?
FluxI like this idea
no comment
the.bricoleurI like this idea
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ElvenSageI like this idea
I've suggested and wanted to do this for some time now.
atraprivateIts a meme that we want to spread. it works with other "religions" => I say we do it.
metahumanThis is such a lame idea
I'm sorry, but the quality of such things printed by home computer users will typically be low. Use a professional design firm and print shop, and then distribute materials to volunteering members. Otherwise, fuhgeddaboutit.
rhinocerosprivateno comment
BlunderovI like this idea
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Rhysennprivateno comment
GaltI like this idea
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DrSebbyI like this idea
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CaseyI like this idea
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Satprivateno comment
Lukian The WizardWe could compete with the Latter Day Saints
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GunitI like this idea
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Nikolaiprivateno comment
Atheist CrusaderWe could compete with the Latter Day Saints
I only say this because I know a lot of LDS myself, and I find the idea of competing with them humorous. I also think that combining their methods with the truth could give very good results.
Hermitprivateno comment
HermitessI like this idea
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Joe DeesI like this idea
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Drakeo VortexI like this idea
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Walter Wattsprivateno comment
michelleI like this idea
It's a good idea but no substitute for good skills in spreading them. Don't want to come off like smug know-it-alls. Be gentle with your converts. Make them curious. Don't blow your wad all at once. Amen
MoEnzymeI like this idea
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Alex Future BokovI like this idea
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chippedlogicprivateno comment
PabreetzioThis is such a lame idea
no comment
picklerprivateno comment
tehI like this idea
no comment
letheomaniacI like this idea
no comment

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